Sunday, 23 August 2015

Batatas Gratinadas com ovo e queijo

1 kg. de Batatas | 1 dente de alho | 1 colher de sopa de manteiga | 3 ovos | 3 dl de leite | 100 gr. de queijo mozzarela ralado | Sal, pimenta e noz-moscada q.b. 

Descasque as batatas e corte-as em rodelas não muito grossas; coloque-as em água por alguns minutos. 

Barre um tabuleiro com o dente de algo e a manteiga. Escorra as batatas e coloque-as no tabuleiro em camadas. 

Bata os ovos com o leite e tempere com sal, pimenta e noz-moscada. Regue as batatas com este preparado e pressione-as bem, para que a mistura fique entre as mesmas e estas fiquem mais compactas. 

Por fim, polvilhe tudo com o queijo ralado e leve a meio do forno a 180º, durante 40 minutos. Retire e sirva quente ou frio. 

Just taste it!

Dubliner Cheese and Tomato Stuffed Chicken Breasts

2 large bone-in-chicken breasts2 large bone-in chicken breasts (about 2 pounds), ribs removed | 3 ounces thinly sliced Dubliner (or cheddar) cheese | 4 (1/4-inch thick) lengthwise slices plum tomato (from 1 tomato) | 4 large flat parsley leaves | Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 425°F. Coat a shallow baking sheet pan with cooking spray. 

Cut each breast in half (through the bone) to make 4 equal portions. Working with one piece of chicken at a time, pull the skin back but not completely off. Lay the cheese on the chicken, then top with one slice of tomato. Place a parsley leaf flat on the tomato, and pull the skin back over to cover. Repeat with the other portions of chicken. Place the chicken on the prepared pan; season with salt and pepper if desired.

Bake 12 minutes, then lightly brush the skin with pan juices. (Take care to not brush any melted cheese on the chicken). Continue baking until an instant-read thermometer registers 165°F, about another 12 minutes. 

Just taste it!