Monday, 25 July 2011

Quarta-feira, em jeito de despedida, vai ser assim

Bacalhau com couve-flor no forno

1 couve-flor pequena / 2 cebolas picadas / 300gr bacalhau desfiado / 150gr batata palha /4 ovos / 1dl leite / 2dl natas / 100gr queijo ralado / 50gr manteiga / Sal e pimenta

Colocar e couve flor a cozer em água temperada com sal.

Ligar o forno a 200º.

Alourar a cebola na manteiga. Juntar o bacalhau e deixar refogar uns 5 minutos.

Escorrer a couve flor e juntar ao bacalhau (em raminhos).

Juntar a batata palha e misturar bem.

Colocar a mistura num pirex.

Partir os ovos e mexer com vara de arames. Adicionar o leite e as natas, temperar com sal e pimenta e verter sobre a mistura.

Polvilhar com o queijo ralado.

Levar ao forno a gratinar, cerca de 15 minutos.

Just taste it

Sunday, 24 July 2011

It was a sad email

Dear Savory Taste,

Thank you for your email.
I’m afraid we can’t give you the recipe for the cornbread – you can find many of the dishes, including cakes and bread, that we do in the restaurant in our cookbooks and on-line, but I’m afraid we have to keep some recipes secret!

Kind regards,


Just taste it

Might be tonight's dinner

Pan meets Tomate

1 baguette / 2 tomatoes / 1 large pressed garlic clove / 3 tsps olive oil / coarse salt / ground black pepper

Cut the baguette in half lengthwise and then cut each half into four pieces. Grill the bread over medium-high heat or brown in your toaster. 

Meanwhile, cut each tomato in half and grate on the coarse side of a box grater into a bowl. Grate until all the seeds, juice and pulp are pressed through (discard the skins). Add the garlic and olive oil and season to taste with salt and pepper. You can add more garlic if you like. 

Mix the sauce together and spoon it over the grilled bread, sprinkling each piece with just a bit more coarse salt and drizzling with extra oil.

Just taste it